Monday, 1 March 2010

Microfiction Monday

Today I'm once again trying out Microfiction Monday at Stony River's blog. Basically participants need to write a "microfiction" story or some other type of writing, consisting of 140 characters on a picture that's being presented.

So here's today's picture and my accompanying microfiction:

As Simon Cattle kept telling her to take steps back, Buttercup realised her dream of winning A Mooing Cow Idol was rapidly slipping away.


Susan at Stony River said...

Poor Buttercup! Paula Ad-bull would have never let this happen!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! This is just too funny. Piggy Paula I'm sure would have had nothing but good things to say to Buttercup LOL. Well done. Rabbit, Rabbit

Sylvia K said...

Oh, this is fantastic!! ROFLMAO!!! Wish we had a picture of Paula Ad-bull!!! Have a great week!


juliana said...

fantastic - this one cracked me up!

The Skald said...

Curiouser and Curiouser! This had me laughing right from the belly - and the dyslexic take on Paula just made this bovine bounty a blithe commentary on clever cows... well, er, sorry - no reason to take 'em too seriously :D

Wonderful entry!!

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Too Funny, and laugh at Susan's comment as well.

quilly said...

LOL! This is wonderfully funny and Susan added icing to the cake or was that pie ....?

Peggy said...

Buttercup was so close to fame and fortune. Bad Simon Cattle,
Loved it with the idol theme gone bovine>

hope said...

And I'm guessing she was even more scared of Randy "The Dawg" Jackson. :)

Nice twist!

Larry said...

I never did like simon no wonder he stinks as an idol.
Thanks for playing and thanks for dropping by and leaving your comment I appreciate it.
I'm posted just follow the link provided below.

Love Boat

Thanks Again.

jabblog said...

LOL! Neat word-play!