Thursday 12 March 2009

Wednesday Media Mix

Here's a meme from over at My Digital Ghost. This week it's all about genres.

[Listen] Some people don’t like music being categorized into genres at all. Are genres helpful, or do they hinder a musician’s creative potential?

Yeah, genres are helpful (whether it be music, movies, books, whatever). It helps steer consumers towards music they might be interested in, and saves them having to sort through music they're not. Musicians tend to be creative anyway, and putting labels on them is to just help market them; it doesn't restrict their output.

[Watch] Are there types of movie genres you tend to watch with different social circles? (I.e., maybe you watch romantic comedies with your parents, action flicks with your spouse, horror movies with a special friend, etc.)

Yes, I tend to watch kid-friendly stuff with my sister and her kids. Other stuff I tend to watch alone (my social circle don't go to the movies a lot, or if they do, they don't invite me).

[Read] Is there a type of genre you feel a little ashamed to enjoy reading?

No, but then again I don't think I read that many genres.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, genres are helpful, and not just in music. But like any kind of labeling, they also do limit some potential. Just not enough to worry about.